Dec 1, 2024

Group show (2024. November)

Art photograph group show (2024 November)に参加しました。ありがとうございました。

今回展示した新しいシリーズ"the versions"は見る人が題名に引っ張られることがないように、出来るだけフラットな言葉でなるべく具体的な情報を入れないようにこのタイトルにしました。見る人がどう考えるかが今の自分にとっては重要だと思っているからそうしました。




I participated in the Art photography group show (November 2024).Thank you very much.

The new series "the versions" that I exhibited this time is clearly motivated, even if I can't explain why I do it.

I find it interesting, and there are times when I don't know if it's a photograph, and I think it's very important and valuable that I don't know myself.

Not understanding is interesting, so when I walk and take pictures over and over again, and one day I understand and can explain what I'm doing without even understanding it, I think my motivation will disappear. So even if I can explain the method or process, I can't say "this is what my work is like," and in the end, I take photographs because I can't explain it.

Kento Morikawa